It was not one your typical meetings in a small public park in Queens. Goose pond, at this time of year sees lots of winged wildlife flying in and out through its ragged stand of trees throughout most of the day. The geese presumably are taking a brief break on their way north. Three middle aged gentlemen from the UK marching around to the Hokie Cokie is a much rarer sight.

I am not too surprised at the antics I am watching. I have known the three of them for the better part of 4 decades. They have, as well as myself, have been known to cavort in public places in much more peculiar ways than this. What is actually taking place is a serious practice for a funny performance that will take place in just 2 days time.

Charana, the leader and mastermind of the little group is under the gun. The group he is working with now are life long friends and the core of a much larger performance ensemble that will be composed of other friends from around the world. He does not work from any script but is intimately familiar with each step and maneuver that will take place when it is performed.