Happiness: My Dream-Fulfilled Reality
The human in me speaks: "
Happiness is somewhere else.
Happiness is in
something or in somebody else.
Happiness is not in me.
Happiness is not of me.
Happiness is not for me.
Happiness is a never-blossoming dream."

The divine in me speaks: "
Happiness is everywhere.
Happiness is in everything and in everybody.
Happiness is in me.
Happiness is of me.
Happiness is for me.
Happiness is my dream-fulfilled reality."
The Absolute Supreme in me speaks: "From
happiness we all came into existence. In
happiness we grow. At the end of our journey's close, into the infinite
Happiness we retire."
Happiness is usefulness. When I am useful to God the

and God the creation, my inner being is inundated with
When my inner life is full of surrender and when my inner heart is full of g ratitude, my outer life becomes transformed and perfect. With the transformation and perfection of my outer life, I grow into a sea of peace,which is all
If I want to be sleeplessly and ceaselessly happy, then I must not carry with me yesterday's unnecessary burdens and tomorrow's imaginary burdens. I must grow and glow, glow and grow, only in the immediacy of today.

Every day I must run away from my self-centred prison cell and speedily enter into God's oneness world-centred Kingdom where Infinity's Peace, Infinity's Light and Infinity's
reign supreme.
There is only one question which is of supreme importance and that question is: "Who am I?" This question itself embodies
happiness. Needless to say, the immediate answer also embodies
happiness in boundless measure: "I am of God's birthless and deathless Vision, and I am for
God's ever-expanding manifestation here on earth."
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland
13 May 1989
Excerpt from My Heart's Peace-Offering by Sri Chinmoy.