We who are shocked at what he can do in one day, and yet he goes on and on for 44 more. Each day he averaged 70 miles. Each step seemed light as a breeze upon a sleepy meadow. Yet most would see his journey, as one done down a merciless path. On the relentless and hard sidewalks of New York. Nonetheless he pranced and ambled and skipped along each day, and seemed all the way, to be slightly above the cares and woes of the city, that rushed with abandon, to and fro, through each single relentless day of his. One that began before the world around him woke, and ended long after, they sought the solace of their beds.
Asprihanal, asked for so little, and yet gave so much to those around him. Yet he did not do it for us, and one can also safely say, he did not do it for himself. He did it for the one, who inspired all the brave souls to come to this place, to take this impossible journey. He did it for the one, whose light and love is perpetual, not just at this sacred oval, but wherever there are those who seek the divine within. He ran this long journey to please the one we can no longer see in this world of ours. Yet he is still safely in our midst, whether comforting the tears of our failure or celebrating, in the glories of our transcendence. He who is always within our hearts, Sri Chinmoy.
These two will be next, to take their final steps, here at the 3100 mile race. They both will do personal bests, if all goes well, and rightly claim their crowns of self-transcendence.
And when our champion arrived this morning he took the time to greet and encourage all who would have to carry on, to complete their most difficult tasks.
Why does she look so fearless, and why does he smile. So many mysteries and unfathomable truths on a scant half mile of concrete.
So often he runs alone, because he runs so light and fast. Yet they all hear his footsteps and his jokes, and the only words he seems to have, are ones that are kind and make you smile.
He tells me how happy he was here last night. He also tells me of days in which the happiness seemed just beyond his grasp, and yet miracles both small
How that his doubt would fly away from him, like the great bird of prey that once soared across his mind's horizon. How he once had dreams of the great and tranquil outdoors, in which nature's world demanded nothing of him and he demanded nothing of it. Yet in an instant, a raccoon ambling on the path in front of him, startled him from his flight of fantasy, Brought him back to the earth, and his task, and his Guru, ever present in his heart who could show him transcendence on every plane.
Here he carries today's prayer. Each day he has been putting it up on a fence, on the far side of the course to inspire others. The first few days the caretaker would take it down, but Asprihanal kept putting it up nonetheless. Eventually the caretaker saw a greater magic being played out around his school and left it there all day.
He recites this prayer.
Tributes from his fellow runners.
Ananda Lahari
Parvati's Enthusiasm Awakeners were so happy to receive flowers from the runners. They had special prasad for Asprihanal and sang for him as well.
The Human in me loves to live
The Divine in me lives to love
Guru Sri Chinmoy
Congratulations to Asprihanal on a momentous achievement. Most of us mere mortals can only marvel at your accomplishments.
Asprihanal is the champion of champions. Every runner on earth owes him a tremendous debt of gratitude for his superlative self-transcendence achievement.
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