Pranab is, tapes and creams, that is, at least ones, that his skin is not acutely sensitive to. He ran the highest total yesterday, 69 miles. He is almost certain to reach the half way mark today.
The Tums are not Ananda Lahari's. Though the assortment of hats are all his.
Christopher brings a yellow beverage from home, that he sometimes carries round the course with him for the first early miles.
All the things that sit on tables, and fill peoples minds, are just left behind at the starting line. That is of course, except for lap sheets. Which have endless mysteries to be revealed about the world that was yesterday. All too soon, it will be all about today and the next lap, that needs to be completed.
By all accounts Petr is having a great race. His mileage has been consistently good, and he is averaging 63 miles per day. If he is able to maintain this same rate he will easily transcend his 52 day total from last year. For him, he is just a day away, from the half way mark. He tells me, "that compared to last year I know more tricks." He also says, "In general I am happy with my miles." And then he gives a light laugh, "Happy I can every day go
I ask him what tricks he has learned to make the 3100 mile race easier. He tells me that one thing he has learned is a method to reduce or eliminate the dreaded enemy shin splints which bedeviled him for 5 days last year. He says that Dipali has shown many of the runners a very simple technique for taping the area and also how to apply hot packs. He says that for him, the race is all about running, and adds, "I am grateful I am not walking."
The atmosphere, amongst all the runners
Then we talk about a subject that most, if not all runners have experienced here at one time or another. In fact it is something all of us, whether we be long distance runners or people dealing with long road of life itself encounter. For lack of a better name, I will call it the 'bad patch." He says, "on the 2nd day I had a bad time. Everything felt empty to me. I wanted to escape."
He describes this time, as when the crowds of supporters, who come out to support the race, had dwindled. Then he says he saw the musicians and helpers return, and felt renewed. That their music and their very presence was a source of inspiration and encouragement. It was a pivotal moment, when he says, "I felt Guru was still here." Than he tells me something quite remarkable. "I feel Guru is here, even stronger now than before, stronger than last year even."
My body-courage
Dares to die.
My soul-courage
Dares to live.
My realisation-courage
Dares to surrender
To God's Satisfaction-Will.
Excerpt from Transcendence-Perfection by Sri Chinmoy
1 comment:
Beautiful work Utpal... Your rich insights are weaving our hearts together.
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