There is a conspicuous empty chair at the course this morning. No doubt tomorrow there will be another.
Stutisheel who has less than 400 miles to go walks by the drink table and says, "it must be August, there are bees everywhere."
And if Diganta's mom is reading, she has a little less to worry about. He has run more than 60 miles now for the last 2 days.
the day begins
There was never any doubt in Pranab's mind that he would come here and run this year. He did not however train, like he would have liked. When he arrived, he was not thinking of records or glory, only of self preservation, and to finish. I ask him as tactfully as possible, if he was not fit, than why would he come here, and put himself to this the ultimate test of endurance. He says simply, "I came because he asked me to come." That 'he', being of course his late Guru, Sri Chinmoy.
Over the 3 p
The physical reality however, he brought to the starting line on day one, was not pretty. Over weight and out of shape, he says of the race, "It was the last thing I wanted to do physically." But self-transcendence, in even the humblest endeavor, requires self discipline, courage, perseverance, and of course the intangible one, surrender. He tells me about just a small portion of his suffering, including the last 10 days, which he describes as, "lots of pain."
He describes the delicate balancing act he has endured in terms of his mental and spiritual approach to the race. How on one hand he must push and yet not go so far as to be stressed out. How to achieve his very best outwardly and yet to keep track of how inwardly he is responding to challenge and difficulty. He says, "I want to do my best. I want to keep happy but also be focussed."
He describes this focus in relation to the approach used by other runners. He does not criticize their tactics but for himself he wants to run honestly and, "make every lap in a pure way. Every lap, it is a golden opportunity."
He describes, that it is possible to take short cuts. These are not cutting corners outwardly but more like not taking responsibility for your behavior and actions on the course at all times. He suggests, that the correct inner approach, is always there for you. "That thing is just waiting there for you." And, that once you accept and embrace that way, you will understand it is the reason you are here.
For him it is important to, "cry for the the highest. If we don't do this thing we just prolong our time. You are here." His hands sweep wide across the sidewalk we are running on. "You are here, it is a tough experience, but it is the perfect way for Guru to take you through."
He says how each year he has learned and gained much here. "Important things," he says he has gotten here, "every year more and more." Of his Guru he says, "He is present as he used to. It is still under his control, I felt it in the hospital."
Of that difficulty he describes it as an inner block that manifested itself as a skin rash. He say
As for Sri Chinmoy's very tangible connection to him and how he runs today, "he told us what to do. He has taught everything. He has told us in so many ways. He is gone from direct reach. It is just up to us to get there. Because he is waiting there."
Pranab's mom Purabi has taken turns with one of his sisters, Padapa, to be a helper at the race. It is a job she takes, with a similar seriousness to her work, as her son does to his running. She is no expert at the needs and whims of an ultra distance runner, but she is a mom, and tries to help in the best way she can. She also tells me, how she tries to help all the other runners. While we are talking she is cutting up bits of carrot to put on to the top of open faced sandwiches.
She says of her experience here, that all has taken place so fast. But also, that being here is transforming, demanding, and at the same time peaceful. She describes an atmosphere here, that for her, is charming. It is created not just by the runners but also by all who come and help, and everyone.
I ask her about the influence of Sri Chinmoy on the r
I tell her, that it is a unique situation, that Pranab is in. At first his sister helps, and then his mom. She pauses for a moment at this, and I feel like I have touched a delicate nerve. There is a tear in her eye, and I apologize for being inappropriate, and she tells me no. She describes for me simply, that her whole family cares deeply for Pranab and for this race. She says, that at this moment, when he is about to finish, she wishes her daughter Padapa was here as well, to celebrate and enjoy it with her and Pranab.
It is a big moment for the little country of Slovakia. The Counsel General Igor Pokojny is here with his family to see a new Slovakian record being made.
Everyone is proud at what Pranab has done here over 45 days, 13 hours, 39 minutes, and 54 seconds.
There is celebrating
There is singing
The happiness
of the heart
the speed
of the body
Sri Chinmoy
My nephew and I were in New York on Day 29 when we stopped by the course. As we walked one lap to experience just a very tiny piece of what it must be like to run this race, Pranab caught up to us and walked with us for a short distance. We greatly enjoyed meeting and visiting with him and we both want to offer our congratulations to him on his great accomplishment.
I am very happy that Pranab is the second finisher! Hurra! Purabi, his mom, is so friendly and is there for all the runners. That is real Purabi. She has a heart of gold, and exactly this is what the remaining runners need now. Am I right or not? Purabi once came to me and said something very nice to me about my recitation.
That kind word stays in my haert.
These runners are like the great heroes of the Mahabarata. I bow to their courage, determination and devotion. And heartfelt gratitude to you, Utpal, for shouldering the role of Vedavyasa for this great and sacred race.
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