The moment he sat in his airplane seat to return home, while the race was still going on, he experienced a flood of emotions. It was clear from the tears in his eyes to the thrill he felt in his heart, that he would come back here again this year, and this time run himself.
Over the last 55 days he has not regretted for one minute his decision to be here. His body has not cooperated as he would like but his heart and spirit has risen to every challenge and remained steadfast and dedicated to this Everest of distance races. When he saw the summit of 3100 miles slowly slip inexorably from his grasp he found a new and still lofty height to reach, 2700 miles. A distance still gargantuan compared to any mileage he had ever run before, and, as it turns out the distance this race once was, back in 1996.
Today he will stand at the starting line just 33 miles from this goal. The expression, heroic effort, fits all those who come to this place and attempt to run 3100 miles. Most, but not all, make this distance, because they have been inexorably drawn here to fulfill an inner hunger and they willingly offer themselves up, to an inner call which has beckoned them on. Whatever capacity they have, is tested, challenged, and compelled to do battle with all manner of foes. Whether it be, in the deficiencies of their bodies or just plain old skirmishing with the jagged thoughts, lurking in their minds.
In Pavol's case his body has given all that it has to give and then some. He will cross the finish line at a lesser distance, but can still wear with pride the certainty, that he is victorious in what matters most. Pleasing his inner being and the teacher who taught his heart to run far, farther, farthest.
My heart-home
is my Lord's Compassion-Eye
Guru Sri Chinmoy
Pavol arrives one last time.
Tomorrow will belong to no one else but Suprabha.
Being in the presence of this young Slovakian runner one cannot help but feel
He has only been able to walk, for at least the past 2 weeks, which most runners say is the most difficult on the mind and body. In that same time he has never completed more than 50 miles a day, and yet by his fortitude and persistence he is now poised to complete his race. It is with genuine gratitude, he tells me, "I will finish 2700 miles today, but it feels like I have finished 3100 miles. These have been the best days of my life, these past 55 days."
It has to
I tell him, that his experience here, reminds me of a famous marathon story from the Mexico Olympics. It is a tale of a triumph of the spirit. It is what happened to a young Tanzanian runner during the race 40 years ago, this month. How he was injured by a fall, and yet continued on. His finish now made famous by this video.

click on the picture to open link
Pavol do
He tells me that in the days and months leading up to the race, he was always preparing himself for it. But he did not look upon it, as just as completing 3100 miles. Rather, he took it to be a grand and challenging inner experience, he had to accept. He says, "Outwa
He has felt the presence of his teacher many times over the weeks he has been here. He says he even saw it in the smile of a fellow runner once, very clearly. He says that even when he would look at the children in the playground. He says, "sometimes when I looked into their eyes I saw Guru's eyes."
He has been inspired to write poetry during the long hours he has run. He gladly recites one of his poems for me.
Translation of Pavol's poem
This race uplifts the physical world
This race is strong in body
This race cleanses the vital
This race quiets the mind
This race opens the heart
This race fulfills the soul
This race is God himself.
For one who has endured so much here, it occurs to me it is divinely ironic for him to say, without a hint of self indulgence, "all that we see is an illusion. It is what we feel that is important." Of Suprabha, who still shares the course with him he says simply, "she is God." It cannot be surprising then for him to love this place so dearly with not just his body but his heart as well. He says, "This place is my home."
Enthusiasm Awakeners work their usual magic
He crosses the finish line after being on this course for 55 days, 12 hours, and 28minutes. He has completed 2700 miles, which is self-transcendence even if you compare it, just to the yardstick, of his previous greatest mileage, 636 miles. His is a true victory, for both his outer and inner accomplishments.
The victory song is sung to a deserving champion
2700 miles
2700 miles
My heart becomes
delight-fragrance heaven.
Composed by Sri Chinmoy
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