Nobody steps to the line before they absolutely have to.
I run with Suprabha for the first few miles of her day. I have done the same, with all the boys in t
She is so small and slight, and runs with light delicate steps. Most, I am sure, who look at her from the service road for the first time, as they whizz by the course in their air conditioned cars, must think she could barely last the day out here in the heat and humidity. But while she astounds those on the sidelines she quietly and assuredly accepts what she has done, what she continues to do, at age 52.
She describes for me a typical morning, "one of the amazing things about this race is that you are totally exhausted when getting ready. Then the energy takes o
Asprihanal swoops by in his looping light strides and she looks on in amazement. She tells me how amazed she is by his and Grahak's steadiness. Later, when looking at her numbers for this race, I notice that her mileage, though smaller, is equally consistent.
She tells me, "I try to stay focused. I am committed to this race." And then she smiles and looks around her, at the sights she must have seen thousands and thousands of times and says,"This is Guru's world. When I am running here I feel part of Guru's world."
She tells me, that she believes, that in this race, Sri Chinmoy saw his philosophy in action. It is both incredibly simple and yet requires commitment and intensity. She says, "He loved it."
Last year, in February of 2007 she contemplated not entering the 3100 mile race. When Sri Chinmoy heard it, his response was direct and simple. "Do you have a soul?" This response eliminated any fragment of doubt in her mind. Her purpose, and her resolve to continue on, was forged by those words, solid and true.
Her early experience in sports consisted of a little high school soccer but not much else. When she got to college and started meditating for the first time her life quickly changed. Upon becoming a student of Sri Chinmoy
After this she entered a couple of marathons but felt she wasn't strong. She had an experience with Sri Chinmoy after running a 7 mile race during a Christmas trip that for the first time, she felt he was directly encouraging her to run. She says, he wrote her time for the race on a piece of paper, and then used the same paper to calculate her pace. She tells me, that really encouraged her. She still has the paper.
It wasn't until March of 1986 that she ran her first long race. A 200 mile race dedicated to Sri Chinmoy's lifting 200 pounds. It meant a special trip up from her
She said the event, was far from easy. She had entered the world of ultra distance running f
She also relates a year, some time ago when she was having difficulty running. She had already run the 3100 mile race but was not able to train in her usual fashion. It was just a month before the race and she felt as though she would not be able to do it. Sri Chinmoy sent her a message that set for her, a life long attitude to distance running. He said, "Good girl, you have done enough training. In your case it is all grace."
She acknowledges that she has a tremendous support group of friends, who help her at these races in many ways. It is this network that not only gets her here in the mornings and home at nights, but also makes sure, that she is cared for, like a dear and treasured sister. Of them she says, " I could not do it without my friends. They give me tremendous love and encouragement."
I have discussed with the other runners, from time to time, how they viewed the importance of this race on the world. How something, that happened on this half mile loop, could reach out to the world at large. She relates a story to me, about distance running legend Ted Corbitt. He continued competing up until he was over 80. In 2001 he ran the 6 day race and ran 240 miles and then came back the following year and ran 303. She says, he came out to visit the race the following year but had decided not to compete. Apparently he was having problems even walking when Sri Chinmoy asked him why he wasn't competing. He said to Ted, "This is not something you are doing for yourself. This is something you are doing fo
She says that for her there is no question for her about being here. She says, that this year for her, "Guru's grace was especially powerful." On her first day she was able to run more than 66 miles. "I had not run that many miles in years. It was a gift to show me it is still possible." It was though Sri Chinmoy was saying to her loud and clear, "I am here," she says.
Who she is, and what she does, is simply a matter of her life's devotion to her late spiritual teacher Sri Chinmoy. He encouraged and inspired her to follow this path of long distance running. That, in so doing, she would not only transcend herself but also, in this most difficult of human endeavors, she would reveal and manifest the light of her soul's brilliance. Her legs and heart will never give up. She will run on until there is simply no more road left in front of her.
There is a counter missing for this evening so he takes over the job himself. I ask him what he thinks, makes Suprabha such an exceptional multi day runner. He says, "Her name means light. When I see her I always see light and I always see her poise. She is extremely focussed. She is devoted to Guru
She comes by before I leave. A counter tells her she has done 78 laps. A mere blink, in the long race, which is her life.
She is a fabulous athlete and an inspiration. Thank you for telling her story.
Suprabha was always giving me an impression of a saint. To me she is one...
I think I will go for run today!
Thanks, Utpal.
Who she is, and what she does, is simply a matter of her life's devotion to her late spiritual teacher Sri Chinmoy
Thank you Utpal
you put everything in such good respectiveness
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