The time has just drifted past midnight.

I ask Sahishnu how he is, he tells me, "I am freezing." I don't blame him, he

He is very proud of runner Madhupran. On the horrendous rainy day, he tells me that he ran 84 miles. In the first 48 hours of the race he slept but one hour. Who knows how many hours Sahishnu will sleep tonight.

Pranab is one of the full time volunteer race helpers. He is manning the scoreboard and I have no idea how long he has worked here today. There are few runners, out of the 75, on the course right now, but you still have to be sharp.

Tibor and Ashprihanal are counting the 10 day runners. It is so late, that it is not difficult to keep track of the runners. They are eating snacks to keep awake and Tibor has just told an interesting story about the most beautiful horse in the world, and the sad story of what happened to it. Tibor and Ashprihanal' s story has a happy ending, when they go home around 9:30. They are also pretty happy right now.

Rupantar is the overnight race director. He has been doing this job a very long time. He has brought out an amazing variety of new snacks and a case of red bull, which over a long night, may prove crucial. He tells me that there is a super field in the race this year. "Its a good race." Like everyone, he is glad that the rain is over. But he says with some amazement, "no matter what the weather is they are out there." He jokes with me now and describes this race as a 5 star event in the world of multi day races. He laughs, "This is how people spend their vacations."

Arpan is working on one last runner before he heads home. He tells me that, "its a long night, a lot of massages." He describes for me, an image of the night time aspect of the race. "When I see people walking in the middle of the night, it inspires me more than people running in the middle of the day." He feels that the effort is so much greater to continue at that hour. "People should be sleeping and its cold." He has been putting off going home for a while. He tells me, "Its hard for me to leave."
Yuri is working on runner Glenn Turner. Yuri is the father of the youn

Gary Cross is heading off to take a break. He put on his own 6 day race, just 2 weeks before coming here. I ask him what he sees in this race that he likes. He tells me, "every body is genuinely concerned. They care for you, and the runners look out for each other."

John Geesler is now firmly into his 6 day race groove. He says the second day was tough, the day it rained. Now however, he tells me, that he is experiencing the 3 day groove, that so many of the multi day race athletes have talked about. He tells me, "It may not be easier, but it feels easier."
Andy Cable has driven down from Connecticut, to support the race, and his friends here. He ran the 6 day here in 2007. He came, he tells me, because he wanted, "an opportunity to be part of it." He plans to stay all night and leave, so that he can be at work at 8:30 in the morning. He says of the experience here, that he learned patience from his feet to his head. "Everyone is helpful, they lift everyone else up."

I am there when Bob Oberkher comes past for his 400th mile. If it had happened during the day there would have been a bigger celebration. The bell was rung, and he came over to the counters to celebrate. He is very happy. Everyone is also happy for Bob.

Then Dipali comes by, and wants to tell me a story that she had forgotten to tell me the other day. It is a story about Sri Chinmoy and his very deep and loving connection with this race every year. She tells me that, one year, during the race, he was at his home, and there was a group of his students with him. It was a relaxing evening, and before they left he told them something amazing. He said, that while they saw him there with them, another inner part of himself was also at the race, inspiring and encouraging, all those who were here. She gives me a smile as she says this. It is one that suggests clearly, that even now, he is here inspiring all who are here, to go on, to go on.
In the ordinary life each human being has millions and millions of questions to ask. In his spiritual life, a day dawns when he feels that there is only one question worth asking: Who am I? The answer of answers is: I am not the body, but I am the Inner Pilot.
Sri Chinmoy
Utpal, your race coverage is a multi-day event in its own right, a treasure of treasures. Thank you for this astonishing labour of love!
I thank you, too, Uptal, for this astounding coverage that tells so much about the runners and the meaning behind the race. As proof of an earlier comment, I did, in fact, consider jumping in my car to come and run for a few days, even though I couldn't make it for the whole time. Your interviews and commentary really bring the race to those of us at home.
Thanks Uptal for the race coverage. A lot of things come back into my mind from my own awesome race experience on Wards Island 2000: The food and especially the love which all the SCMTeam member bring to support all the racers.
Running wise it was probably by toughest race I did, support wise it was the most easy one.
As mentioned in your report, there, the SCMTeam gives no excuse to quit.
Keep on running
Markus Mueller
Utpal you should be working for CBS sports...you are a warm, caring, and brilliant reporter. GREAT JOB. See you soon.
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